Newsletter Issue 12
Here’s some of the content from my newsletter Issue 11 you can enjoy. Here’s the link to the entire newsletter should you want to read it. And you should, you’ve come this far. :)
To all the fathers out there:
This is a hard one to write. I had planned this newsletter a while ago and... well... Covid-19 happened.
It feels out of sorts to write to you now and be snarky and funny and yet it feels like the best time to do this. ("it was the best of times, it was the worst of times")
To be honest, I feel like we're kind of grieving right now. We are all facing this thing in different ways. I -for example- was having a hard time working on my business even if I was being extremely productive at home and with my children.
As you all know, I have 2 kids. My first instinct when everything started closing was how my wife and I would deal with continuing their education and providing them with the resources that they will need next year...
So, what I'm saying here is that being a father is being a parent. This issue of the newsletter was supposed to be about that personal project I gently teased during my last issue. I debated what to do about this and realized that this project is about the love we carry for our children. It's specifically about fathers, but it has always been about depicting love and how we value our own family.
These days, it is more obvious than ever: what could be more important than the love we have for the people that live in our house? So yeah, I will show you this ongoing project.
This project was born out of my relationship with my own father and out of my own relationship with my children... That all seems obvious (I have daddy issues, thank you Freud) but what is not obvious to me is that fatherhood still feels misrepresented in the media and I seek to show a different, more tender (and real) version of fathers.
My goal is simple and vast: I want to photograph fatherhood and I am looking for fathers of all sorts. If you are a father to a human child or are yourself a human child and you have a father (that should cover it all I think), I am looking to represent you. White, black, brown, gay, or transgender, older, teens, newborns, etc. I am looking to represent the entire diaspora of fatherhood. No big deal.
Eventually, I am hoping to exhibit this body of work and to convert into a book... because that's always how I envisioned it would be presented.
I really hope you like it...
And if you are interested in participating, respond to this email.
It's that simple.