Newsletter: exhibiting my work
Hanging it all out
well, not all... 8 to be exact. 8 what? 8 frames... with pictures inside.
I announced this a couple of months ago but my "Portraits of my father" project will be hung and on display at The Lyceum Gallery downtown inside the Lyceum Theatre.
(pause reading for augmented dramatic effect)...
That's right, ye boy is finally exhibiting a project 2 1/2 years in the making.
after being featured on a couple of podcasts, writing an article, and making the cover of a photo magazine I love... and seeing one of my photos on NPR, it's all coming together... like a good plan
(insert the A-team gif of your choice here)
For those who don't know, I've been photographing fathers and their children (50 to be exact) since November 2019 and It's been an incredible journey for me to make this art about what fatherhood means to me but also to find a new and loving way to talk about masculinity, love, and parenting.
It's proven to be incredibly meaningful work and completing it brought me closer to my father. I felt I got to understand him better.
and now, after photographing 50 families the project is coming to a close... I was holding out for 1 last slot as I wanted to be sure to be as inclusive as possible and it seems like it's paying off. I found my unicorn. You'll have to stay tuned and watch my IG for when I post these pictures.
How's that for a cliffhanger? no, really... how is it?
Anyways, I want to cordially invite you to come and see the work in person.
There is an artist toast on
May 31st from 6 pm to 7 pm
Lyceum theatres
and I am inviting ALL OF YOUs to come to say hi, see the work, get a drink, etc.
I am just really thankful I can even do this and share this project but what could be better than sharing it with the people I've been writing to all this time.
For me and for others
I did this project on fatherhood to talk about something that mattered to me in a way that mattered to me.
therefore, in an effort to keep it going, I decided to sell the prints I will be exhibiting. Each print will be around $300 and the money raised will go to a non-profit organization dedicated to fathers. I have chosen one that looks absolutely perfect but I am still in communication with them as I want to vet them for myself and make sure they are right for this.
I will send you all an update soon regarding this part of the project.
A Workshop...
I taught a workshop a couple of weeks ago... it was low key a nerve-wracking/amazing experience to teach other photographers for the first time.
It's one thing to think of yourself as an artist, and to create art for yourself or your clients, but teaching OTHERS how to create art is another. So I endeavored not to teach them how to technically do it but how to connect with their clients in a meaningful way so that the work they create can become more authentic and more meaningful to them.
Here are a few BTS shots...
And here are a few of the shots I took...